With the onset of the pandemic in 2020, dkkevents began to look for a better way for people to gather online for both personal and commercial applications, collaborating and co-creating with a variety of international artist groups experimenting with virtual parties, festivals, conferences, and immersive adventures.

Deborah Kattler Kupetz loves to create meaningful experiences that connect people and build communities. On the vanguard of technology-enhanced social interaction, she leverages her expertise in producing immersive experiences to create new ways for people to gather and connect. Deborah produces both in-person and online experiences that can be utilized for personal and commercial applications. Deborah is skilled at setting the technical and social foundation for meaningful experiences that help us understand, celebrate and grow with each other.
Case study
- How did you first hear about SpatialChat?
Through Pearl Pospiech a partner of mine. - How long have you been using SpatialChat? 1 year
- How often do you use SpatialChat? Every day.
- What challenges SpatialChat cover for your organization?
SpatialChat has provided a wonderful platform for us to design and create environments, strategies, and experiences for clients. It is an unlimited visual background of fluid creative space for digital experiences. - Who is your audience? Business/education, networking, cultural institutions, world-changing experiences.
- What is the largest event you have organized in SpatialChat, in terms of attendees? Just over 250 attendees feeding from a 3000 person event.
- What made our solution stand out over others that you researched
Freedom from the zoom square! The opportunity to strategize and design environments that furthers mission/purpose of gathering.
How do you use SpatialChat?
1. Museum Timeline Histories.
We created an environment to make archival footage come alive. We are working with the Idaho Black History Museum to do an amazing immersive experience using archival photos and curated oral histories.
Design by Pearl Pospiech
2. Virtual Book Launch.
Unable to gather in person we designed an environment that allowed interaction to take place unique to this virtual environment and disrupting the typical book launch format. Global Futurist and author Jonathan Brill. used Spatial for an innovative book launch strategy for his just-released book RogueWaves. See the book on Amazon.
3. Pre-networking/VIP gatherings.
Designing an extension to a pre-planned experience. Prior to a TED conference, Spatial was used as an informal attendee created welcome space to create pre-conference connections.
4. Showcase designing unique,
memorable and strategic spaces & experiences for furthering mission and purpose.
5. The Virtual Burn.
Sept 7th Virtual Burning Man on the platform SpatialChat is being used to create specific rooms to hold Burning Man specific experiences (MindPoets camp @MindPoets) for the Virtual Burn 2021 August 29-September 7. A global audience co-creating radical expressions in art, experiences and community.
A visually created space to foster intimacy and memory. TED Circles are models of a curious digital community each month focused on a selection of TED talks and then convened for an hour. The format allows event us to screen in a talk, watch it in one room and then go to another room to hang out and discuss.
The Search for Microscopic Aliens.
Sarah was able to invite people from her entire life who met for the first time who were able to interact independently mirroring a real-world gathering. After watching the talk together the community celebrated new custom-designed environments allowing flow and discovery.
8. Holiday.
For the second year in a row, the Jewish holiday of Passover celebrating the exodus from Egypt was held by most people remotely. This year instead of Zoom, 40 families created a multi-room experience that moved us through the experience visually and allowed them to be a bit more informal to update from last year. 60 people for two hours were used numerous times.
The Million Doge Disco Party is a project of the Decentralized Dance Party whole mission is to unite the world in Celebration of the Nobel Peace Prize of Partying. Creating a GLOBAL party on September 21intending to be the largest decentralized digital experience.
How do you customize your space?
We have been creating our own backgrounds ourselves but are available to work with others and produce backgrounds and immersive experiences in them. We curate around the mission and vision of clients and through our extensive experimentation in the space keep iterating on what is working best in this ever-changing moment.
Any tips & tricks for our readers on how to organize an event?
The alchemy involved in a good virtual event is the combination of understanding where the client is in regard to the actual mission, wish of the host, org, vision, and finding the spot just beyond the aspiration.
What shall we improve in SpatialChat?
- Security (Just recently received Soc 2 Type 1 certificate)
- The ability for admin to remove guests permanently (in progress)
- Ability to use on phone easier (we are working on the app)
What new features should we develop in SpatialChat?
More stability to the platform. Better tech to work across browsers and devices.
Is there anything else you would like to share?
Love using SpatilaChat.
Thank You
Deborah, it was my pleasure and joy to have a case study with you. So much positive energy, wow... You and your dkkevents team are doing a fantastic piece of art in SpatialChat. For sure, You have surprised me with your crazy ideas, in a good way :) Thank you for taking the time to share your experience. I know who I will suggest to our clients.
#Virtual-Burn2021 #Mindpoets #deborahkattlerkupetz #pdimmersive #dkkexperiences #dkkevents
Helpful materials
Here are some helpful links and great resources to dive deeper into the world of SpatialChat.
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Basics of SpatialChat
Let's kick things off with some simple guidelines to help you begin your journey of interacting.

Use cases Guides
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