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Release 03/07/23: Bug report button

Sasha Rosman

Hey guys👋

Meet a new helpful feature for Bug reports, so that users can send error reports directly from the space, both from the web and mobile. It’s available in rooms of any type: Breakout, Stage, and Workplace.

Meet a new helpful feature for Bug reports, so that users can send error reports directly from the space, both from the web and mobile. It’s available in rooms of any type: Breakout, Stage, and Workplace.

If you encounter any issues, simply click on the “Bug report” button at the left bottom of your screen when in the space and submit a report with a description of your problem. Thus, we will be able to find out and fix it asap.

Hope this feature helps us get valuable feedback from the users and improve the product 🚀

Let us know if you have any questions or need assistance, we are always here to help!

With ❤️ from SpatialChat