What we launched in Q4 2022?

Hey SpatialChat Communityđź‘‹

From October to December 2022 we at SpatialChat have been working hard to improve all three room types: Breakout, Stage, and Workplace.

New features cover integrations and usability updates from cross-room Avatar teleportation and Google Calendar. These have been added to make your experience during virtual events and online collaboration even better in SpatialChat rooms. Here is the overview of the new features released during this time.

SpatialChat Integrations

Miro Whiteboard

We added Miro editable boards integration in Breakout, Workplace, and Stage rooms: now you can set access rights for SpatialChat users and allow them to view, comment, or edit the whiteboard within the platform.

Choose Miro Whiteboard via the + button in the Toolbar, pick a board to embed from the list, and enjoy collaborating in the embedded window. After starting the Miro sync function, all users who are in the current room can see the board or a link frame.

Google Calendar integration

Along with its new integration capabilities, SpatialChat now syncs up with Google Calendar. We added the Meet button which is displayed at the top of the screen and is available from all three room types. Whatever virtual room you are in, choose the current one or any other from the list and book the meeting or event slot via Create in Google Calendar field. All invited users should get a slot booked in their Google calendar with the meeting details: room link and instructions on how to join.

Usability updates

Avatar teleportation

Impressive Avatar teleportation feature opens new capabilities to invite user(s) to a talk or a meeting throughout the space even smarter! No need to write in DM or talk - just select a user, press Invite over and your invite notification will arrive to the selected person. Meanwhile, the invitee gets a note with the name of the person who invites and such an invitation can be accepted or rejected.

Followers’ indicators in the Avatar bar

We added indicators for users in the Avatar bar of the Workplace: now the presenter is marked with the dashed line and their followers are highlighted with the green dots. Also, when the number of users in the room gets more than the Avatar bar can contain, you will see the dropdown and indicators as well. It’s such a delight to get notified of those who are involved in the presentation at any moment, isn’t it?

Grid color switch

Though the grid color in the Workplace room is dark by default, from now users can switch it to light and vice versa as they wish. Your last grid color choice is saved in the system, and it’s opened in the same way you viewed it lately.

Avatar bar modification

We adjusted the Avatar bar at the bottom of the Workplace in a way that one can either change the size of the video bubbles or hide the bar. Play around with the video bubbles’ size - it’s available as three options’ choice now! The number of people displayed in the line will be adjusted accordingly.

These are the most remarkable of the updates we’ve cooked this quarter, and we continue bringing more engagement and functionality into online events and virtual collaboration🤩

We look forward to seeing you there!With ❤️ from SpatialChat